Indonesia Trip Day 20 Thursday 10th August 2017
Halmahera with Mike Nelson from Bird Tour Asia.
The third part of our 6 week Indonesian trip was birding the island of Sulawesi again.
On the morning of Thursday 10th August 2017, we had our breakfast st 3 30 am for 4.00 am start to travel from the Elizabeth Hotel in north Halmahera to Keo Airport. We arrived at 5.45 am for our 8.00 am flight to Manado, Sulawesi. However our flight was delayed and in the end we didn't fly out of Keo until 12.00 pm. There was nothing to do here but find a bit of shade outside.
Once we were in Manado, we had a quick lunch and headed north to Tankoko NP.
We arrived at Tankoko Mangroves at 3.30 pm, to get two local fishing boats into the mangroves where we birded until dark.
We also saw a huge python with something big in its belly.
After boat trip we did some birding just walking around the area.
We then went on to Tankoko Lodge where we were staying for a couple of night. We got there in time to have a late dinner and get to bed ready for an early start.
The best birds of the day were Great-billed Kingfisher, which was a catch up for Mum and Dad that they had missed a few days ago, Great-billed Heron, Pacific Reef Heron, Pied Cuckoo-shrike, Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon and Banded Rail.